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Re-generating Areas: investing in development areas to maximize capital growth and rental income

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Regeneration and Real Estate: Investing in 'Development Areas' to Maximize Capital Growth and Rental Income

The most important aspect of successful property investing, particularly for buy-to-let, is to predict areas in which demand for housing will out-strip supply, leading to house price increases, rental price increases and a strong demand from tenants.
Any area that changes for the better is likely to see prices move ahead of trend. By focussing on investing in key “emerging” development areas, the chances of seeing capital price gains should increase substantially. Catching the growth cycle a while before major developments start is higher risk, but can lead to spectacular property price increases.

It is very important to show no prejudice or emotion when evaluating prospective investment areas - many of the biggest and best developments happen to be in the most deprived or de-generated areas. This is often by design through government policy and public and private development funding, with the aim to re-generate areas to provide employment, better quality of life and a vibrant new environment. Also land is easier and cheaper to acquire and planning regulations more attractive for developers in urban regeneration areas and regional development areas.

Click on topics below for a survey of interesting UK 'development' areas:

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