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715: The American new world order - an age of growth and prosperity to challenge China and leaving Europe in the dust

03-23-2025 team

The Trump administration has had four years to prepare for this next four year period. Many lessons were learnt from the first administrative term.

• Personal income taxes are far too high
• The government debt is unsustainable
• Technology and innovation has been stifled and is stimulating should be encouraged
• The bloated big government bureaucracies are destroying value, eroding
US living standards and creating a drag on the private sector businesses – these often talented people are better off adding value within the business sector
• The previous cabinet was put together quickly – many recruitment mistakes were made – they were ineffective and often divisive
• Actions were not taken quickly enough – via using Executive orders and Congress and the Senate slowed progress to a cruel on many important policies

It was no surprize that Trump was re-elected and he already had a rich line of the most talented businessmen and entrepreneurs lined up to help foster a new order at rapid pace. Having a Canadian – Elon Musk – to target government computers to achieve massive cost savings and root out fraud was a particularly insightful Executive Order. Trump is treating the USA as a business project. Each Executive Order is like a sub-project formulated from the best ideas.

However, with the drive for low cost electrification and AI-data centres – he’s identified a number of gaps in resources that are required to implement his vision of a new technocratic world order – the USA needs low cost/plentiful:

1. Lithium, cobalt, heavy earth minerals
2. Iron ore, aluminium, uranium, copper and other metals
3. Oil, gas, coal, nuclear – for low cost electricity

The creation of a Technate is something we described a few weeks ago – and seems to be the overall objective. A technocratic meritocracy driven by ultra-efficient business run by engineers and scientists. The drive towards AI, robotics, autonomous transportation – all lead by Tesla – is part of this strategy. It will be instigated because of the following:

USA has seen the progress China has made since Biden was in charge – and they are genuinely concerned China will steal the global mantel of the dominant economy and powerhouse

USA knows that if they don’t grow and dominate – they will die along with the mighty US dollar – they know their population is 25% of China’s and 15% of India’s – something has to change to keep their global dominance and influence
The USA believes Europe, the UK and Russia as just side-shows – almost a distraction. They know Europe’s influence is waning as their aging population, lower growth economies governed by gigantic unelected bureaucrats with not private sector or engineering experience is doomed to failure in the long term.

It’s a baked in outcome of inefficient work practices, mass immigration of mostly poorly educated people from different cultures coupled with gigantic deficits, energy import bills and a declining manufacturing base. The USA knows Europe is not a real competitor – it’s China they worry about.

So what is the USA going to do about their predicament? No one else will tell you this – and the reason we do this is so you as a private investor can position your portfolio to maximise value and reduce you risks – just like all good business people should do, right? We do this as a duty to our families – right?

What no-one is telling you thus far is that the USA will go ahead with it’s tariffs because of three reasons:

1 They stimulate US indigenous manufacturing, jobs and inward investment – more high paid jobs
2 They raise taxes in a fair and equitable manner
3 They then allow income and corporate tax to be reduced to very low levels
4 This then stimulates spending, investment into new business and growth within all markets in the USA – eventually boosting US competitiveness and reducing European and Chinese competitiveness to boot.

Savings from DOGE and the drastic reduction in the size and overreach of government – the US civil service - will help reduce deficits and give more confidence in the US dollar supporting reduced Fed interest rates.

Meanwhile the USA will unleash millions of humanoid robots and AI agents along with autonomous transportation that will drive down the cost of manufacturing of goods and also business services across the board – allowing interest rates to drop further that will foster an economic boom in the USA whilst almost eradicating inflation.

Meanwhile the USA will buy more Bitcoin, bolstering their Bitcoin Strategic Reserve (BSR) - that will become the new global reserve currency that backs the might private digital US dollar. It’s highly likely the USA will start selling it’s gold and buying Bitcoin with the proceeds. US reserves values will skyrocket as Bitcoin prices rise – with the effect that the USA will be able to look forward to paying off it’s debts in future years as it pivots into Bitcoin, as the Bitcoin value skyrockets. The effect - the US treasury prices will rise sharply whilst interest rates/yields drop massively – ushering in massive capital inflows into the US economy. The US Treasury will then be able to print the digital dollar in an attempt to at least keep some form of inflation as the US AI robotics manufacturing boom stifles inflation driving down costs – leading to a new world order of efficiency. This will then lead to huge prosperity improvements for US citizens across the board. The Republicans will then easily win the next election. The chance of a Democratic resurgence is minimal – they are pretty much devoid of serious talent – e.g. no private sector business people, scientists or engineers.

The US will be making a strong pitch for:
1 Greenland – for mining and heavy earth minerals
2 Canada – for mining and heavy earth minerals plus oil and gas and farmland/forestry
3 Mexico – for gold/silver oil and gas – plus low priced labour

It is all part of the development of an American Union for business at least, if not outright 51st, 52nd and 53rd states. It sounds almost outlandish – and we know people are very proud about their nationalities – but many of these citizens might actually like to be part of a huge economically prosperous powerhouse. At least part of a union of sorts. This brings us back onto the Technate – something Elon Musk’s grandfather designed. It’s entirely possible that the Tariffs are a way to bully their neighbouring countries into a union of sorts – and allowing the USA access to their mineral wealth. We just need to stand back and be objective. Be brutally honest about the actions we are seeing and how they might manifest into an order driven by the USA.

It's also worth pointing out that ExxonMobil – the top US oil company – found 11 billion barrels of recoverable oil offshore in Guyana. They are building 9 giant floating production stations that should see oil price rise to 3 million bbls/day and make Guyana the rich country on a per person GDP basis in the world – yes, you heard it here first. Last year Venezuela threatened to seize this acreage. Despite Biden – they will have been told by the CIA to back-off and shut-up in no uncertain terms. President Trump has this issue on his radar screen – he’s want to teach Venezuela a lesson after 30 years of socialism and exporting thugs to the USA - he knows that Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world but because of their mis-management of these oil fields through nationalisation and lack of investment – oil production collapsed from 3.3 million barrels the day Chavez got into power – to a meagre 0.8 million barrels today after 30 years of socialism. It would not surprize us to see the new administration threaten Venezuela – they will want a half share of the Venezuelan oil like they did the Ukrainian mineral rights.

On Canada, let’s be honest - Trump and the Republicans despised ex-Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Prime Minister Mark Carney is no better – he instigated a massive low growth inflationary period in the UK as Bank of England Governor and is a left leaning anti-free speech bureaucrat just like Trudeau. The Republicans may even despise Carney him even more than Trudeau. But the issue for Trump is whether Pierre Poilievre gets to be Prime Minister on 28 April 2025 – what will they do? You see, Pierre is a right leaning, small government, common sense, business friendly “nation first” politician – similar in many respects to Donald Trump. In a way it would be easier for Trump to bully Carney rather than Poilievre. If previous opinion polls are anything to go by – though neck and neck at this time – it’s highly likely that the panic stricken Liberals will lose this upcoming election with their awful track record on free speech, inflation, tax and stifling business with their woke globalist virtue signalling policies – akin to the current UK government.

So the US end game is to challenge and dominate over China. Retain the number one economic and miliary position in world. We all need to understand this – it’s important context to our livelihoods and prosperity.

Make no mistake – there is an arms race going on – with Tesla’s robots being part of this strategy. Anyone that thinks the humanoid robots will “not” be used for miliary purposes is frankly deluded. Imagine a battalion of 1000 robots advancing on the battleground. Resistance would be futile. China is developing their own robotic soldiers as fast as possible. The race is on. Humans will be replaced very rapidly on the battle field by AI robot soldiers make no mistake.

AI robots will also replace humans in the workplace – very rapidly. Something working people need to understand and position for. They will revolutionise manufacturing and home care/support along with autonomous transportation starting later this year. The effects and benefits will be felt in the USA first – the UK is particularly backward and our economy implode because of it.

Examples – all UK car manufacturing plants will close with the loss of tens of thousands of jobs and autonomous Tesla and Chinese EV cars dominate the market.
So this brings us onto the top global investment with this macro-economic situation as a backdrop. It’s very clear:

1 Telsa – energy, autonomous electric transportation, humanoid robots, DoJo chips, AI, robotic soldiers (likely to 10x in stock value in the next 5 years)

2 Strategy - the private sector Bitcoin treasury/banking company (old name Microstrategy) – or Bitcoin – the new energy currency backing the digital dollar – “digital gold” or “digital energy” (likely to 10x in the next 5 years)

It's that simple Just two investments to be concerned about. A 50/50 allocation between Tesla and Strategy is probably the highest upside lowest risk investment portfolio on the planet. Don’t say we didn’t tell you. Look back in five years on this Special Report.

We hope this article has given you some good insighted into the US Technical Meritocracy versus UK Class Based Bureaucracy and its ramifications on investments moving forwards.

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