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713: Technocracy – Technate – the path forward for America

03-09-2025 team

Europe and the USA have been in decline for decades – caused by fiat currency printing, inefficient use of capital resources, lack of the appropriate skills/training for employees and a gigantic ballooning of bureaucrats with ever increasing tax burdens to pay for this.

The degree of regulations, inefficiencies, judicial mal-practices and wastage of all type is colossal – and it’s no surprize that prices have skyrocketed, wages have not kept up and living standards have declined. Most of the general population have not realised how badly things have declined – just consider that 50 years ago, the average American had one salaried job and was able to retire at 60 whilst raising a large family. living in a nice big house, driving a nice big car. Roll on 50 years – young people can't afford to buy even a small flat, often have multiple jobs even if they have a university degree, have no chance to raise a family because of skyrocketing costs, and have huge student debts hanging over their head. It’s the shocking outcome of a bloated public sector, high taxes, a declining private sector and inefficient government – with layers of red tape and punitive fines and jail terms for business owners if anything goes wrong. This is particularly true in the UK where electricity costs are five times those of the USA - which means industry does not stand a chance against the USA or China. The UK industry is toast.

Just when the UK voted in left wing socialist government for four years, the USA pivoted to a centre-right government that is business friendly. The UK was already uncompetitive compared with China and the USA – and now it’s only going to get worst – this is a certainty. The reason for the certainty is that wind and solar farms are driving up electricity prices even further – and this should cause a further escalation of energy prices in the next four years. Meanwhile the USA has declared an “energy emergency” and want to halve their electricity prices.

This brings us onto the back-drop to the biggest economic shift taking place for the last 100 years. You see – we are predicting the creation of a Technate in North America. This term was invented in 1928 by Elon Musk’s grandfather – who proposed the creation of an American block – consisting of Greenland, Canada, USA, Mexico, central America and parts of Columbia, Venezuela and Trinidad through to Surinam. Sound familiar?

Elon Musk is the top engineer and entrepreneur on the planet and is working with President Trump – we believe – to create a Technate. This is a true Technocracy. The Tariffs are part of the pressure tactics to create an economic union of countries that are technologically driven – to squarely compete against China. The hope is that the US economy will become so dynamic and powerful that the other countries will want to join the union to create ultimate prosperity for all their collective citizens. The idea is to:

1 Demolish and eradicate the non-elected corrupt bureaucracies
2 Replace fiat currencies with a private sector digital dollar – backed by Bitcoin mining that is decentralised and energy intensive
3 Create a Technat – that is run by Engineers, Scientists and Businessman – pulling from the billionaires of the magnificent seven companies
4 Drastically improving efficiency of manufacturing and industry by lowering taxes, automating, stimulating the private sector and culling the public sector and big government
5 Creating global technology hubs in Texas, Florida and California
6 Launching autonomous driving to lower transportation costs
7 Launching humanoid AI robots that will replace humans in factories and soldiers on the battle field
8 Launching AI agents that replace most office jobs
9 Launching a universal energy credits system for people/families replaced by robots – far fewer hours need to be worked by the bulk of the population as engineers and scientist create mega-factories that have few human workers

The new order will have the top engineers and scientists – the technocrats – being the global elite. The paper pushing bureaucrats will no longer be required. Engineering and science education will be promoted and funding of the arts/cultural studies that do not lead to value creation will be culled.

The big social challenge will be occupying most of the population with activities after most jobs are placed by robots and AI agents.

The ruling government will be filled with engineers, scientists and business people that have a focus on efficiency, value creation and improving prosperity. This new American order will be required to compete against the rising technological power house of China.

Europe will be toast – left behind – remaining an obsolete museum piece – the relicts of an old industrial heritage. The European economies will collapse under the pressure of the bloated bureaucracy and huge tax burden, unable to compete against America and China. The US tariff wars, skyrocketing energy prices and security threats from Russia will all cause a collapse of the Euro and Pound currencies – increasing inflation and unemployment as governments print more fiat to try and boost growth – to no avail.

In summary – the Technate will come to dominate AI, energy, industry and the military. Meanwhile the European unelected bureaucrats will cause the European economies to implode – with mass immigration of mostly poorly educated people with no engineering of scientific skills from outside Europe compounding the social, economic, political and cultural problems.

For investors – assuming this model plays out as we expect – the best investments for the next five years will be in:

1 Telsa – energy, autonomous electric transportation, humanoid robots, DoJo chips, AI, robotic soldiers
2 Bitcoin – the new energy currency backing the digital dollar – “digital gold” or “digital energy”
3 Strategy - the private sector Bitcoin treasury company (Microstrategy)
4 Solana – guide rails for the Defi to TradFi bridge and payments system

Ask yourself the question – do you want to put your hard earned income into the USA via Tesla, Bitcoin. Strategy and Solana – investments that would dominate if the Technate is created?

Or would you prefer to back the UK and Germany industry driven by politicians and bureaucrats with no industrial, engineering or scientific knowledge or skills? Leaders that seem to want to destroy innovation and industry with high taxes and regulations rather than stimulating it.

We hope this Special Report has been insightful – a useful predictive tool for the new order that we believe is being developed – its just that no-one has told you about it yet.

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