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Average asking price predicted to push well over £300,000 by end of 2016 - having risen by £20,000 over past year



Big prices: Property website Rightmove's latest figures, which cover England and Wales, show that sellers are now demanding £289,452 for a home on average
Down but not out:This December saw the smallest monthly price fall since 2006

Down but not out:This December saw the smallest monthly price fall since 2006

Hot or not: How asking prices chnaged across England and Wales this year
Upward trend: But is the tailing off in asking prices a seasonal lull or the start of a fall?

Upward trend: But is the tailing off in asking prices a seasonal lull or the start of a fall?

Impressive rise: No region across England and Wales has seen average asking prices fall over the last year, according to Rightmove

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