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Fun Houzz: 14 Incredible Homes You Won’t Believe Exist



There's certainly no place like home – especially these homes! From all around the globe, they are simply mind-boggling

Houzz AU Editor I'm thrilled to be part of a team that's dedicated to shouting loud and proud about Australian design and architecture on We're always looking for your great new schemes and decorating tricks, so if you live in an inspiring home, or know of one, we'd love to hear about it! Upload photos of your home or project straight to your profile or send a note to
Houzz AU Editor I'm thrilled to be part of a team that's dedicated to...
Currently Featured in: GB
Ever been tempted to spend the night in a see-through house? To move into a deserted aircraft? Hmmm, perhaps not. But if you’re looking for out-of-the-box inspiration step inside the imaginative visions of these talented renovators for a temporary stay you won’t forget.

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