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Bristol's in top ten for house price hike, new homes and businesses



By The Bristol Post 

BRISTOL has ranked in the top ten cities for growth in number of businesses, as well as growth in number of new homes and rise in average house prices.

The findings have been published in the Cities Outlook 2015 report by Centre for Cities.

Bristol ranked number seven in the top ten cities for the growth in number of businesses, with a 22.8 per cent change from 2004 to 2013.

It also ranked number nine in the top ten cities with a growth in the number of new homes, with a 9.8 per cent growth between 2004 and 2013.

It came 10th in a league table for the highest rise in average house prices which saw them jump by £16,400 in 12 months from 2013 to 2014.

The average price rose from £216,500 to £232,900.

Mayor George Ferguson says in the report: “Whether we like the conclusions that are reached in Cities Outlook or not - we all take notice!

"The reports increase our understanding of what we need to do to unlock our cities’ potential and to make us more resilient to economic change.

"As far as I am concerned it is extremely helpful to be able to benchmark Bristol against our fellow UK cities and to take better informed decisions as a result.”



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