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Increased student numbers are worsening the housing crisis


Business is booming for student housing developers, but it’s often at the expense of families in need of affordable housing
Student housing
Student housing does less than nothing to address UK housing need. Photograph: Alamy

In autumn 2013, when George Osborne lifted the cap on how many students each university can take, he fired the starting pistol for increased competition in the higher education sector. The best universities will prosper and poorer performers could suffer. But has anyone really thought through the effect this will have on the housing market?

There are about 2.5 million students in UK higher education and an extra 30,000 places have been created this year. Traditionally, students lived in halls of residence or shared private houses, but an increasing number of private companies are building and managing bespoke blocks for students. Business is booming. Savills, an estate agency, reports yields of almost 14% and predicts £2.5bn will be spent on student housing schemes this year, significantly more than the Homes and Communities Agency invests in affordable housing.

Unfortunately, the government’s latest planning guidance allows student housing to be included as part of overall housing targets when local plans are being put in place “based on the amount of accommodation it releases in the housing market”.

This is misguided at best. Savills and others argue investment in student housing eases pressure on family housing, but I have seen no evidence of this. On the contrary, student housing providers may be poaching sites that could have been used for affordable housing.

Cambridge is a prime example. As well as its two universities, it has dozens of language schools and private crammers that take wealthy students from around the world. Since 2006, 4,501 student bedrooms have been built and a further 2,335 have planning permission, compared with only 2,480 family homes over the same period.

A site close to the city centre has been earmarked in the city’s local plan for 128 homes

, of which 50 would be affordable, but a student housing developer has bought the site and wants to build more than 300 student rooms in a gated development.

I’m involved a local campaign against this. Everyone who works in housing knows that developments need to be adaptable for differing uses over the longer term to cope with changing market conditions. When we met the developer recently I asked what would happen if the bottom fell out of the student market. The scheme would be demolished and rebuilt, was the reply. This is hardly sustainable development.

Several of the schemes that were built for the universities in Cambridge have ended up in the hands of the crammers and language schools, who charge up to £15,000 for an en-suite room over 30 weeks. Most of these private outfits are based in Cambridge because of the kudos of the Cambridge brand. They have no other reason to be based in the city. But this means that the demand for student rooms is almost insatiable and the potential profits for developers are huge. For the city as a whole it means a growing housing crisis, with people on lower incomes being forced to commute from distant towns and villages.

Almost every student has two homes, their term-time home and their holiday-time home, so student housing makes no contribution to the nation’s overall housing need. The free market in student numbers has the potential to make fundamental changes to the shape of housing markets in some of our towns and cities, yet planning policy is lagging behind. Is it time for a rethink?

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